New LHxC Ad/comp news

There is a new advertisement for this site out today… a large version is linked below if you have a zine or something and would like to help and get a copy of the ad. If you read it, it mentions the “Louisville Vs. Louisville” (tenative title) compilation, scheduled to come out this summer… It is going to be a CD compilation….

of current Louisville bands covering old, broken up Louisville bands. Many, many, many bands expressed interest in the project, and very few have stepped up to the plate. To date, the following bands have claimed a spot on the comp and are working on their material to get it ready to record….
Redhanded (Squirrel Bait – Kid Dynamite), Casket & Flower (BTGOG – Beneath the Blue), Mike Taylor/Surviving Thalia (Kinghorse i think?), Miller, Fetzer, Girilaco (Fading Out – Sherman Minton Bridge), the Interstellar Medium (Abscice – Romantic Death). More songs have been called, but I have no news of any other covers that have been worked on. For information on what songs have been called, and up to the minute news on it, please hit up the Parking Lot thread.