Misc. news

Misc. news… I’m probably going to leave a lot out since I don’t go to shows anymore. If you DO go to shows and would want to write stuff in this space, hit me up and let me know. Actually, if you go to a lot of shows and just want to take over the site, let me know that too.
*Pusher and Lords are going to throw some of their tour footage up on YouTube. A “trailer” of sorts can be found at youtube.com/fartsnifferhippiejerks
*The Brick House (which shouldn’t even be called that anymore) apparently struck a deal with it’s neighbors about doing shows. They’ve already started picking up some slack from OLCH*. I’m betting there’s some big drama of some kind soon though.
*Speaking of Old Louisville Coffee House, their court date is coming up soon (January 9th I believe). So hopefully all the BS with the dork neighbor will be cleared up soon. If you don’t recall, some guy moved next door and started calling the cops whenever there were shows.
*There have been several shows and whatnot in memorial of Dylan Prott, and there will be more. Check the message board for details.
*The Glasspack has their new record up for download via ITunes. The CD version isn’t out yet.
*Much to many’s joy and much to many’s dismay, the controversial Full Contact got a myspace and put songs up on it (including the “Hardcore Solution” song that a lot of people objected to back then, but probably COMPLETELY agree with now). I don’t know why, but I laughed my business off when I saw that.
*David Brooks & Evan Patterson have started a disc printing company. So your stuff doesn’t have to look like a turd. http://www.myspace.com/simpledisc
*Speaking of David, he kinda likes Bocce ball, and his band – Panda – should have a new CD out in January (if it’s not already out or they didn’t break up).
*Sean Naamani (formerly of Ants in an argument) isn’t in the “news”, but his younger brother is in a punk band called the Cellophane Babies and will be playing their first show in January (check the shows page).
*Lloyd (from Lexington) is now actively setting up shows, so bug him for one, not me.
*I can’t remember if I mentioned it or not earlier, but Casket & Flower will have a CD coming out in late January/early February. It’s got some good stuff on it, definitely more of what I think this town needs to get kids excited about shows again (meaning gay dudes with beards of course).
*AYINDaisy sticks his manjunk in a light socket CD will be out soon on Shrodinger Records. No, that is not the real name. It’s called “Fear of Tigers” and will be in Ear X-Tacy, Underground Sounds, and more on Dec. 30th. Yeah, it’s no Judge, but it’ll probably be good.
*Squarewell has another CD coming out soon. Hit up the shows page to find out when and where their CD release show will be.
*The Human Torch was denied a bank loan.
*Some kids are starting a band called Ducket, and I have no idea what the deal is, so they’re probably pretty bad and stick midget fingers in their orifices.
*Black Ross.. er, Black Cross also has a full-length CD coming out sometime in 2007. Expect it to be slower and a less energetic if the live shows give a hint.
*I’m getting rid of some sections of the site and trying to make the shows page so that when you submit a show, it goes straight onto the page, thus rendering null the week-or-three lag between show submissions and me updating the page.
*Several people are in the process of working on getting DIY, all-age venues together. I’m not going to out them here and possibly disrupt their Flowery progress, but ask around and offer to help them out if you can so these types of projects don’t end up in a Casket.
*I’m a funny guy. Really.
*No one is on the “ban list” for the message board, so if someone tells you that they are, they are wrong or just not very bright.