Little Atlas Heavyweight: March 2008 Archives

LEO. The corporate weekly -- it's owned by a company in Pennsylvania, folks -- which runs Dave Barry's year-in-review and syndicated content that seemed edgy a decade ago, picked the wrong week to call Velocity "faux" anything. That was one hard-hitting, alternative cover story on dog training, guys!

I'm a fan of feuds.  I could read about people who have beef with one another, all day.  I love it.  In fact, my favorite beef that I've ever read was between 'The Incredible Inman' and Richard Marx.  That's 'Mr. Marx' to the rest of us.

That said, is this the kind of beef you want to try and bring, Velocity?  Seriously?  

For starters, your cover story is about losing weight, a highly edgy story, that only magazines like 'Elle' or 'Glamour' touch on, a real niche audience.  I'd say at least half of the paper is advertisements.  The other half is pictures of people at parties (something I've always wanted to learn more about, thank you), clever blogs, and an article about saving money.  I have no issue with this, but let's call a duck a goddamned duck.  This shit quacks, son.

My favorite bit though, and I definitely saved this for last, is the line about LEO being corporate.  Holy shit.  I'm in awe of this.  Understand, I don't care which paper out indie's the other.  It doesn't matter.  This is pissing in a fan and I love seeing people do this.  What I don't understand is how a paper that's owned by Gannett can print one word about how corporate someone else is.  I may be mistaken, but isn't Gannett, like -the- corporate newspaper company?  I was under the impression that it was the clear channel of the printed word.  I was under that impression, because it's the truth.  Funny how that works out.  

You may want to reinforce your glass, fellas.

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