Feb. 18, 2005

For those that haven’t heard, Velocity is poop and pee combined into a creamy, tangy mixture that does little to excite the senses. In Doug’s words “Thank god there’s magazines like Velocity to make 95% of us feel insignifigant and isolated.”
In other (more positive) news, our boys in Breather seem to be doing pretty well over in europe. There are pictures of them going apeshit on Valentine’s Day up at http://www.attheshow.org/
Maximum Kickball season is steadily approaching us, and some kids have started training already. Get on the ball, or yer gonna drop it. This season is going to be “off the hook” as some kids said a couple of years ago or so.

Lords Records, lineup changes…

Straight up copied from the Lord’s updated webpage (complete with masturbating demon thing)….
A new Lords 7″ “Moral Darkness” will be available in late January, and “Swords” the 13 song debut full length is slated for release in April. Both records courtesy of Ryan Patterson’s post Initial flagship Auxiliary.

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