Word on the street is that A Suburban Blood Drive has broken up…
I don’t have a clue what that means for their upcoming Martyr Records debut set for August… I’d assume it won’t come out, but I could be wrong.


July 24rd at Noon
at George Rogers Clark Park (New Location)
We will be playing our weekly, no skills required, pick-up soccer match this Sunday at a new location, George Rogers
Clark Park, at NOON. All are welcome! You will need to bring yourself, as well as light and dark colored shirts to play.
If you have questions, need directions, want to talk some shit, etc. you can visit the Sunday Soccer Forum at:

Steve Mandlehr

According to Louisville, Amherst’s Steve Mandlehr was in an automobile accident this past weekend and is recovering at University Hospital on Broadway. His passengers were apparently unhurt, but he suffered broken ribs and a ripped duodenum… Visitors are welcome (as long as you are over 14), and you can contact Steve with best wishes at or
Look for an Amherst interview to be up in the interviews section very soon. (and check out all the other stuff now up there as well)

Safe Soccer Sundays

The boys over at Safe Media are starting up a weekly soccer shin-dig at Tyler Park on Baxter Ave at noon every Sunday (yeah, I know the image below says 10:30, fuck you). Will this take the place of our beloved but ailing kickball!?!? Only time will tell!

Shake ups & Recordings….

Chubbs and Equal & Ultra have parted ways during a recording session for a new record. Word on the street is that Duncan and Jacob will be splitting vocal duties to finish the record, if not at shows as well.
Brainz Out has also finished another recording session. So much for breaking up.. I guess it lasted around 3 weeks. Cameron from Ganthet has also taken Asian Man Chris’ place w/ the bass.
Dr. West has a demo up to check out… they recorded it themselves. Check out their first show w/ Coliseum on the 23rd.
Not really Louisville, but some kids from E-Town that you might know as xGonzx also have some shit up (yet again on myspace)… a full live set from their first show.
p.s….. Louisville Hardcore shirts are still available in black and grey fer $10.